(Title inspired by my mom's beautiful statement shown after mine!)
This has been on my heart lately with Halloween coming up. I used to think there was no harm in celebrating Halloween, in watching scary movies, haunted houses, being into popular series that glorified vampires & I was very defensive over it, when others tried to warn me of the danger in it.
BUT ALL THAT OPENS DOORS FOR EVIL TO COME INTO YOUR LIFE. It invites sickness and evil spirits. Watching these things, attending haunted invites all sorts of evil into your life. The bible says DO NOT GIVE THE DEVIL A FOOTHOLD & that is exactly what all this does.
Still don't believe me? As many of you know, I AM HEALED NOW BY JESUS (as of July 25, 2013) but I had been healthy all my life until I started reading and became obsessed with a certain book/movie series (on vampires) in 2008! A lot of times, I truly believe that is why I got sick bc I opened the door to let evil in my life. God will protect you, but He can't and won't protect you - if you are opening the doors! When GOD finally got my attention about the dangers of all that (several years ago), I threw out every last thing I had that represented evil! Now, I don't watch or attend anything that could possibly invite evil!
Please close any and all open doors to evil you may have! It's not worth it!
- Rachel Marie
-- My mom also fell into this same temptation when I did. When God got our attention about it, she helped me throw away anything in our house that represented evil! Now, she says in agreement with God, my meme (whom God used to show us the truth) & I, "Don't give in to this 'Halloween' season! Celebrate the beautiful fall without celebrating evil!"
- Amanda Melissa
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