Here, to "mourn" doesn't refer to mourning over the loss of a loved one. Rather, it means to mourn for your sin. It doesn't mean that you wallow in guilt and shame day after day. It means upon the conviction of the Holy Spirit, we don't harden our hearts to His voice and keep living the same way we have been. Instead, we let God touch our heart as we weep with genuine repentance. We mourn over the pain we have caused God by disobeying Him. This place of mourning leads us to repentance, which means to turn away from our sin. Sure, we will still make mistakes, but we will do our best to turn away from our sins and run to Jesus.
Here's the good news: When we mourn, we will be comforted by God! HELPS Word studies defines the word translated 'blessed' as "describing a believer in enviable position from receiving God's provisions which extend His grace". Let me give you an example. About a year ago, I found myself in a place of disobedience. I started compromising in seemingly small ways that led to bigger things. In a "slow fade", I was drifting away from God and His plan for my life. Thankfully, God wrecked what would have destroyed me. Once it was all over and I repented, what broke my heart the most was I had compromised in ways I didnt even realize until God delivered me from the situation. What's so amazing about that? God's response. I told Him I was sorry, turned away from my sin, and became more determined than ever to do things His way. You know what He did? He enveloped me in His love like never before-- despite the fact that I had failed Him. I broke His heart and He restored mine. He kept my best interest at heart when put Him on the back burner. He rescued me when I had denied Him in some ways. He protected me from a situation that would have been beyond horrible. He removed me from the situation, drew me into His arms, and said, " No. Not her. She's mine".
It took me a long time to forgive myself for the mistakes I made during that season. In fact, I think I'm just now beginning to one year later. I knew better and I couldn't get past that truth. However, you don't have to waste your time beating yourself up like I did. That doesn't earn your forgiveness. Jesus paid the price for all of our sins on the cross. Just forgive yourself like Jesus and move forward! I realize now that I'm human and I make mistakes, just like everyone else. But you know what? It won't be my last mistake. I wish it was. But as long as I'm alive, I'm never gonnA be perfect. The important thing is that we run back to God every time we mess up. We embrace His love, forgiveness, faithfulness, and move forward in His plan for our lives. We all fall but don't stay down, we get back up and get back to work doing what God has called us to do.
So, as I mourned for my sin, He comforted me and demonstrated His love for me in such a powerful way that I will never forget. I'm forgiven. I'm restored. I'm loved. And I've moved forward in His truly amazing grace. That's what this verse means when God says BLESSED are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.
Forever Blessed,
Rachel Marie
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