Hey yall. I know I've been MIA for a while. My health has not been good, but God has brought me a long way from where I was! I'm so grateful for that. I'm praying to be well enough to make more youtube videos soon. Go ahead and watch some you haven't seen yet from earlier this year: youtube.com/rachelmarieministrie . I have kept up with my instagram the most Go follow me over there: RachelMarieMinistries). I plan to start blogging more again starting with this series and I will also share some updates on my health when I am able. Typing is often a challenge because of the RSD pain in my hands. If you wanna know more about my recent health struggles, look under #RachelMariesStory on IG.
So I feel like the Lord is leading me to share The Beatitudes with yall from Jesus' sermon on the mount. With each post, I will share one verse of it along with a few thoughts to expand on the meaning. So the first one in this series is this:
“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
- Matthew 5:3 NIV
So what does "poor in spirit" really mean anyway? According to my study, "poor" speaks of a financial state as well as an humble attitude. After my study, I think the New Living Translation most accuratelty portrays the meaning of this verse: “God blesses those who are poor and realize their need for him, for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs." Lack of money is definitely something that makes one look to God. However, I believe it goes even deeper than that. To be "poor in spirit" is a condition of the heart. It is a heart surrendered to the ways of God, full of humility, recognizing that without Him we are nothing and can do nothing. On the flip side, we know that with Christ, we are co-heirs and that we can do all things through Him. May we be truly surrendered to these truths today and every day.
Rachel Marie
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