But if I say, "I will not mention His Word or anymore in His Name," His Word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed; I cannot.
- Jeremiah 20:9
Oh, many times I feel like Jeremiah, with a fire shut up in my bones!!! I cannot hold in my love and passion for the LORD, even if I tried. And WHY WOULD I WANT TO? Salvation comes from His Name alone: Jesus Christ. Only through HIM can all men be saved (who are willing to accept Jesus & live their lives for Him). Only through HIM can we get to Heaven. Oh, my God, with tears in my eyes, I declare with David, "I DELIGHT TO DO YOUR WILL, O MY GOD (Psalm 40:8)!!!
JESUS is THE WAY, THE TRUTH, and THE LIFE. No one comes to the Father EXCEPT through Him (John 14:6).
This verse is not plural. IT DOES NOT SAY that Jesus is one of the ways, one of the truths, one way of life... It does not say that He is one of the ways to Heaven, contrary to popular belief. The Word of God says Jesus is THE WAY, THE TRUTH, and THE LIFE. NO ONE COMES TO THE FATHER EXCEPT THROUGH JESUS CHRIST. SCRIPTURE SAYS JESUS IS THE ONLY WAY. HE IS THE TRUTH. THE ONLY WAY TO HEAVEN IS THROUGH A RELATIONSHIP WITH JESUS CHRIST. Not through religious traditions, but through having an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ.
********* Note: If you do not have a relationship with Jesus and would like to, it is so simple. Do not be ashamed to want this. It is the only way to Heaven. Right now, wherever you are, you can just say a simple prayer, like this: "Jesus Christ is Lord. God, I believe you sent your Son, Jesus Christ, to the earth to die for my sins & heal me from all sickness & disease & that you raised Jesus from the dead. Please forgive me for my sins. I dedicate my life to you."
That prayer of salvation is only the beginning. Now, get to know God. You can purchase a Bible or begin reading daily in the Bible app (it's free! or at Bible.com). A good place to start is in the Gospel of John (in the New Testament, the 4th book). You can also get involved in a good Bible-based church to learn more. Begin to learn what God asks of you and more about who He is through reading His Word & doing what it says. **************
I couldn't continue with this post without telling you all how to be saved.
WHY WOULD I WANT TO KEEP GOD & HIS WORD TO MYSELF? Through Christ, we can make it into the Beautiful Kingdom of Heaven & forever soak in the presence and majesty of God. In Heaven, there will be no more death, or sorrow, or crying, or pain (Revelation 21:4).. But in Hell, (if you die without a relationship with Jesus), there will be weeping and gnashing of the teeth (Luke 13:28) in a lake of fire forever. Through Jesus, we can be healed from every sickness and every disease (Matt. 4:23, Hebrews 13:8, Malachi 3:6). Through Jesus, the lame can walk, the blind can see, the deaf can hear, the mute can speak. Through Jesus, the captives are set free. Jesus sets us free from all sin, all sickness, all forms of evil bondage!!!! GLORY BE TO GOD!
Oh, God, I would be selfish to keep the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to myself. Oh, I would be selfish to keep the Name above all names locked up deep inside my heart: never to tell of your salvation, healing, forgiveness, mercy, grace, comfort, and love. Never to release the electrifying power that raised Jesus Christ from the grave. Oh, how selfish I would have to be to keep the commands of God to myself. How selfish would I be to not speak in the Name of Jesus & release the salvation, healing, and freedom that comes from Him?? OH, THERE IS POWER IN THE NAME OF JESUS TO BREAK EVERY CHAIN!!!!!!!!! How selfish would I be to remain silent & allow people to go to hell because I refused to speak about Jesus? How selfish would I be to not tell how Jesus saved me, changed me, and healed me & let others perish eternally, to let them be sick & in pain & suffer through this life, to rob them of the comfort that comes from the Holy Spirit? Oh, how selfish would I be not to share my testimony of how Jesus healed me when doctors couldn't? & tell of how Jesus is willing and eager to do the same for others, as well as save them & give the gift of the Holy Spirit & eternal life because GOD DOES NOT SHOW FAVORITISM (Acts 10:34). What He has done for me, He is able and willing to do for you!
Burning with a Passion to see people Saved, Changed, and Healed through my Savior,
Rachel Marie
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