Monday, September 29, 2014

What Are You Listening To?

First, I would like to begin by saying until the last year or so, I did not realize the importance of not listening to secular music. I was very much in love with Jesus, but did not understand my music habits had to change. As I got closer to Jesus over the years, my choice in music did gradually refine over time (VERY VERY VERY SLOWLY: I am embarrassed to even think about the trashy lyrics I used to listen to. The thought literally makes me shudder!) Still, though I began to listen to cleaner genre's of music.. It still just shifts your focus way too much. I am proud to be able to say that for 1 year and 3 months now, I have been listening to worship music ONLY (with the exception of one secular concert I attended last October- 1 year ago.. This artist was much cleaner than most and had no curse words in his lyrics.. but still.. secular music shifts your focus in the wrong direction). God also had to work with me this year on changing the shows I was "obsessed" with watching each week and what my "favorite movies" were. Let me explain further:

AS LONG AS YOU HOLD ONTO YOUR MUSIC (or movies, tv shows, or books) THAT GLORIFIES SINFUL THINGS: drinking, drugs, premarital sex, revenge, etc.. YOU ARE ROBBING YOURSELF CONSTANTLY of GOING INTO A DEEPER, MORE COMFORTING, ALL-CONSUMING RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD.  You are holding yourself BACK from BEING FREE with every song, note, lyric, word (or movie scene) you pour into your heart that rips the seeds of Life (the Word of God) out of you. You are CONSTANTLY KEEPING GOD AT ARM'S LENGTH until you surrender every area  of your life, every part of yourself to HIM. You may be "pouring out" to God in prayer and then turning around and TURNING UP to the tunes of this world! You may have let "worldly things" become an "idol" that you turn to for comfort instead of giving it ALL to GOD.

"As he thinketh in his heart, so is he"
Proverbs 23:7 (KJV)

What you choose to listen to, watch, and read has a great impact on what you think about. Tell me how your music does not make you think that drinking alcohol, smoking, and partying is the only way to have a good time. That's exactly the devil's plan: to use whatever social media, music, shows, movies, and books to make you think "sinning" is the only way to have fun. Tell me your music does not make you think you are "nothing" if you are not in love and living out your "happily ever after". Tell me your music does not make you drown in your heartache day in and day out. OR here's the big one:
Tell me your music talks about Jesus and church...... But does it not also talk about a cold beer in the same exact song??????

Yeah... try to tell me that you feel the Presence of the Holy Spirit while you listen to that? Or while you watch [this show] or [that movie] or [read that book].

This leads people to think you can "live like the world" but still love the Lord. That is not at all what the Bible teaches. Satan is teaching such thinks to deceive. Satan is the father of lies, as Jesus tells us in the Bible.

Secular music, tv, books make you think of sin as fun and/or sulk in your problems... as opposed to the awesome reality of how fun it is to have the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and live in & for God... and as opposed to "delighting in God's Law" like King David... as opposed to letting God "heal your broken heart" like He wants to. Worship music turns your eyes away from your problems and onto our loving LORD and Savior: JESUS CHRIST.

The Bible tells us in Proverbs 23:7 that we think in our hearts, is who we really are. So, be careful with whatever you "plant" into your mind... that is what will "grow" the thoughts that will lead to the "harvest" of who you really, truly are. So, make whatever changes you need to make to plant godly thoughts in your heart :) I made the change. The question is: Will You?

In God's Infinite, All-Consuming Love,

Rachel Marie

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Rachel Marie Ministries' Social Media Sites

Hi Everyone! :) Thank you for those of you who are listening to the messages GOD has given me to preach and teach! I LOVE DOING HIS WORK because I AM IN LOVE WITH JESUS! SOOOOOOOOOO IN LOVE WITH JESUS! I hope you have all had a very BLESSED day! Want to follow my ministry work for Jesus on other social media sites?

Rachel Marie Ministries

Google + Rachel Marie Ministries

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YouTube: Rachel Marie Ministries

God's Love is Infinte, All-Consuming, Liberating,

Rachel Marie

Sunday, September 7, 2014


Hello everyone! Hope you are all having a blessed day in The Lord today on the Sabbath! I just posted my first YouTube mini-sermon ever! Here is the link to it:

Feel free to subscribe to my channel because more videos will be coming soon! :)

May you grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord JESUS Christ,

Rachel Marie

Friday, September 5, 2014

Healing Checklist: Twelve Imporant Steps to Keep You on Track for Your Healing by Dan & Keiko Downey


Note: I did not write this. A friend shared this article with me. Awesome teaching tool on healing. Wanted to share! :) Enjoy!

1. It is of utmost importance that you make God's Word the final authority in your life. You must become convinced in your heart, knowing clearly from the Scriptures, that healing is a purchased possession for you. Make up your mind that you will not settle for anything less than what He promised for your life through His Word. 1 Corinthians 2:12, Romans 4:20-22, Galatians 3:13

2. Receive your healing by faith in prayer before the Lord. Settle it before the Lord and write down the date when you received it by faith. This is very important. You need to know for certain when you received your healing. By doing so, it will aid in abolishing doubt, fear and unbelief. When the devil attempts to convince you that you are not going to get healed, just put a smile on your face and tell him he's too late, you've already received it by faith and then quote the date to him, then command him to leave! I suggest taking communion when you get ready to receive your healing, as the juice and the bread are symbolic elements of the covenant, His body broken and bruised for our healing and the blood shed for the forgiveness of our sin. You will note in 1 Corinthians 10:16 that Paul refers to communion as the cup of blessing! If you do a word search on the word "blessing" you will find that it means, empowered to succeed! Jesus' redemptive work on the cross purchased the blessing, the empowerment for success and victory for you to experience and enjoy in the here and now!

3. Read through all of the Healing Scriptures on our site and print out (copy/paste) certain selected scriptures that you feel the Holy Spirit has specifically pointed out for you to stand on and claim as your inheritance - commit some to memory as they are your ammunition scriptures to speak out when doubt says otherwise. Hebrews 4:12, Ephesians 6:17, Hebrews 11:1

4. Daily, read out loud the healing scriptures, inserting your name in them where applicable, making them personal to you. Meditate, ponder, and chew on the truth of these Scriptures. Remember the Word of God is His personal love letter to you. Do this three times a day until your faith is built up for healing, then once a day to maintain your faith. Romans 10:17 says that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. Build your faith and your doubts will starve to death!

5. Review and claim your Scriptures every time doubt comes to your mind and speak out faith declarations of what the Word says about you and your healing! Do the reverse of Mark 4:15 and steal the devils word immediately and replace it with the Word of God, your precious promises - 2 Peter 1:1-4. Remember the devil is after your faith and he wants you to believe in his ability to defeat the Word of God in your life. Don't fall for that lie! The minute you begin to sense discouragement, catch yourself, recognize what's going on, and immediately speak out the truth of God's Word. Example: "Discouragement you are a lie - because I am a child of God, He loves me, I am the object of His affection. The Bible says no weapon formed against me will prosper. My body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. Through Jesus I am an overcomer. Health and healing is in me now and is at work bringing forth the action of the Word of Life - the Word of God. I am free from degeneration; I am under the law of regeneration in Christ Jesus!"

6. Speak blessings over your body, and speak in line with the Word of God regarding your situation - don't focus on and speak the problem - focus on and speak the answer. Your words are powerful - see Mark 11:23-24. We do not deny that sickness or disease is present, however we deny it the right to stay! Example: "Sickness/disease, you have no right to stay in my body, 1 Peter 2:24 tells me that by the stripes laid upon Jesus, I was (past tense) healed. I agree with the Word and call my body healed in Jesus Name. I command you to go, you have no place here. Body, I call you blessed in Jesus Name. I call you strong, vibrant and healthy - permeated with and full of the life of God."

7. Make praise and worship an everyday part of your life - rejoicing at the promises and for your life in Christ. He truly deserves our adoration, for He is our everything, and He has given us the victory! 1 Corinthians 15:57, 1 John 5:4. Praise and worship will help you to be victory minded. See our page entitled The Precious Power Of Praise . "The Lord is enthroned amongst the praises of His people" - Psalm 22:3

8. Learn to use the authority, which has been given to you by the Lord, to not only come against the sickness/disease, but to also run off any doubt and oppression that may be harassing you. Lay your hands on yourself and command the sickness to leave, command your body to line up with the Word of God. Tell doubt and unbelief and mental questioning to go in the Name of Jesus! Say, "I am a believer and not a doubter!!! I am a person of faith, I believe the Word." Luke 10:19, Isaiah 54:17, Mark 11:23

9. This is very important!!! Take time each day to get quiet and listen to the Lord - let Him minister to you and encourage you - He is The Comforter! A good time to do this is right after you've spent a little time in personal praise and worship - Psalm 100:4. We need to learn to recognize His voice. He will also illuminate the Scriptures to you and get you back on track if you need it. It is also a wonderful place to receive direction from Him. You need to develop your relationship with Him in this vital way. Christianity is not mere religion, but the right to personal, intimate fellowship with Him. John 16:13, Matthew 4:4

10. Check yourself out before the Lord for any unforgiveness or any "open doors" you may have to the enemy - repent and make changes as quickly as possible. Don't forget about your provision in 1 John 1:9: "that if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." Remember sin will block the blessings of God. So get rid of all of the blessing blockers!

11. Continue in your normal daily devotions and Bible reading, learning, growing and maturing irrespective of your situation. Proverbs 4:20-22, Joshua 1:8. Take a look at our Scripture Reading Plan it is by far the best I have found. Also, begin to Journal the little gems of truth the Lord reveals to you in your daily devotions. They will serve as an anchor to your soul as you refer back to them when the going gets tough.

12. Finally - Stand, and keep on standing! Dig your feet in and refuse to be moved from the truth of God's Word. Ephesians 6:10-18. Don't waiver because as it says in James 1:6-7, that person will not receive from God. Never let go of the promise. Know the difference between a miracle and a healing. Miracles are instant, and healings are progressive. Important - read Mark 4:26-29, this describes the law of progression that is the norm for the Kingdom of God.

Be careful not to put your healing in first place, we do not want it to become an idol. Keep the Lord and your relationship with Him and your love for Him in first place.

"And let us not grow weary while doing good (doing the Word), for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart."
Galatians 6:9
- Healing Checklist provided by

Shared by: Rachel Marie Ministries

Who Are You Believing: God or Religious Ideas?

Many people today have been deceived by "religious ideas" straight from the devil. I always want to encourage EVERYONE to be sure that all the things they have been taught actually lines up with what the Word of God (the Bible) actually says. Don't take my word for it or anyone else's. You will not be deceived if you know what the Word says. Sadly, these religious ideas have kept many back from living the life God wants them to live. There are many things the devil has robbed Christians of, in disguise, but for now, let's focus on the subject of Healing.

There is a widespread rumor these days that sickness is the will of God, that he is the author of disease, that sickness in His servants bring Him glory. FALSE.

One reason many people believe this lie from the devil is because of Paul's Thorn, which has been falsely interpreted for quite some time now. So, let's look at what the Word of God says about Paul's Thorn. The Bible tells us exactly what Paul's Thorn was. It was a messenger of Satan, not a sickness. Turn in your Bibles, if you will, to 2 Corinthians 12:7, to see for yourself.

"or because of these surpassingly great revelations. Therefore, in order to keep me from becoming conceited, I was given a thorn in my flesh, A MESSENGER OF SATAN, to torment me."
- 2 Corinthians 12:7 (NIV)

I am going to quote F. F. Bosworth, author of Christ the Healer, for a minute on this topic:

“ The expression ‘thorn in the flesh’ is not once used in either the Old or New Testament EXCEPT as an illustration. The figure of the thorn in the flesh is not in one single instance used in the Bible as a figure of sickness. Every time, the expression was used in the entire Bible, it is specifically stated what the thorn in the flesh was.”

Numbers 33:55 (The "thorns in their sides" are the inhabitants of Canaan). In Numbers ch. 33, the Lord says to Moses, verse 55: “But if ye will not drive out the inhabitants of the land from before you; then it shall come to pass, that those which ye let remain of them shall be PRICKS IN YOUR EYES, and THORNS IN YOUR SIDES, and shall vex you in the land wherein ye dwell.” (KJV)

The “pricks in the eyes” and “thorns in the sides” of the Israelites were inhabitants of Canaan, not eye trouble or sickness. God was only using an illustration.

Again, in Joshua 23:13, the Lord says of the Canaanites, “they shall be… scourges in your sides, and thorns in your eyes”. Again, the scourges in their eyes and thorns in their sides are the Canaanites.

Brothers and Sisters in Christ, looking back at 2 Cor. 12:7, Paul specifically says that his thorn was a messenger of Satan, sent to buffet him. 

Bosworth continues by saying, “Since Paul distinctly states that his “thorn” was the angel of Satan sent to buffet him and make trouble for him wherever he went, why should we say it was something else?”
- End Quote from F. F. Bosworth's "CHRIST THE HEALER"

Another tradition of men on this topic is the myth that "the age of miracles is past" and that Jesus only healed people to reveal who He was. That's NOT what the Scriptures say. Read through the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, & John). The Bible says that Jesus was MOVED WITH COMPASSION FOR THE SICK and He healed them! Dig into His Word and see :)

"how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power, and how he went around doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil, because God was with him."
Acts 10:38 (NIV)

Sickness is from the devil. This verse tells us that Jesus healed ALL who were under the power of the devil. Let me tell you the best part: 

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever
- Hebrews 13:8 (NIV)

I the LORD do not change.
Malachi 3: 6 (NIV)

Jesus has not changed! He changes not! He is the same today as He was when He walked the other. Through the Holy Spirit, we are to be doing the SAME and GREATER WORKS as Jesus did. See John 14:12:

Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.
- Jesus in John 14:12 (NIV)

This was not just for the Apostles! Jesus said WHOEVER BELIEVES IN HIM will do the works He did and even GREATER THINGS

Whoever claims to live in him must live as Jesus did.
1 John 2:6 (NIV)

Whoever claims to live in Jesus must live as He did! What did Jesus do? He preached, taught, healed the sick, cast out evil spirits.

Jesus also told us what signs follow us who believe in Him in Mark 16:17-18.

He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. And these signs will accompany those who believe:  In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues;....they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.
- Mark 16:15-18 (NIV)

There are many other verses and Scriptures that show God's Will to Heal. Jesus was the will of God. Everything He did was what GOD wanted Him to do. The best things I can encourage you to do is to dive deep into the Bible and find out for yourself. I also recommend the book, "CHRIST THE HEALER" by F. F. Bosworth. This book that is based on Scripture has helped many to be healed, once they are enlighted to the truth in God's Word concerning healing.  I was one of them! PRAISE THE LORD! GLORY BE TO GOD! ALL THE GLORY GOES TO GOD, my healer!

"As in the Gospels, so in the Acts, we never read of anyone asking for healing and being denied."
- CHRIST THE HEALER by F. F. Bosworth

Stay tuned to my blog and my other social media pages to learn more about our loving, compassionate, amazing God. He desires to heal the body as well as the soul.

Also, if you need healing, let me know. You can send me an e-mail at: and let me know you want the Healing Scriptures.

God's Mercy Abounds,

Rachel Marie